男から女への変身ビキニ。 |
STYLE | Finger Me Ultra Bikini
水着 |
MATERIAL | ナイロンスパンデックス |
ピンク |
PRICE | (商品価格\7,900) 税込¥8,690 |
The standard Finger Me Bikini is one of my favorite femme style transformation design, I love wearing it and it has been a big hit with our customers. The color is beautiful and in the right light on the beach you almost appear nude wearing it. The transformation from male to female with a lovely camel toe look vagina is nothing short of spectacular, that said being the spandex freak I am I wanted more. I wanted my camel toe to be deeper and more pronounced, one that looks ready for sex. With the lips proudly on display and no sign of a penis at all you can be the wild girl on the beach showing off her coochie.
超でかいです。 見事な赤色のビキニはビーチ、ホテルのプール、 パーティー、ジムのプールで泳ぐときなど、どんな場面でも大活躍します。 |
STYLE | Pals Latex Beach Bikini
水着 |
MATERIAL | ナイロンスパンデックス |
レッド |
PRICE | (商品価格\7,500) 税込¥8,250 |
Stunning in red the Pal’s Bikini is ready for its close-up at the beach, around the hotel pool, at your next pool party, laps at the gym pool and they can do double duty as party wear after all they are wild with a leather rubber look and feel made of Latex ammonia on a spandex fabric base with a full coverage rear a perfect micro bulge front. The Pal’s Bikini brings out the extravert in us all. |
どんなビキニスタイルよりもセクシーなポーチデザインが特徴です。 |
STYLE | Secret Angel Bikini
水着 |
MATERIAL | ナイロンスパンデックス |
ベビーブルー |
PRICE | (商品価格\7,800) 税込¥8,580 |
The Work That Cock Bikini is a very popular suit, and it offers one of the sexiest pouch designs of any bikini style you will find. We decided to use the same style pouch but offer a more Brazilian-style flare to the rear. The Secret Angel Bikini is a lovely design that can be used anywhere. Everything is covered, but just barely! A perfect bikini for beach strolls and even beach sports because this suit will stay on and your penis will stay put in the Secret Angel’s form-fitted, snug pouch. The all-way stretch, baby blue fabric is one of my favorites. I love the texture and the soft yet firm feel it offers. This is a very sexy come-look-at-me design for the man who wants to be noticed and can handle the attention. |
指先が飛び出たような極小ポーチ。 |
STYLE | Fling Baby Cock G 水着 |
MATERIAL | ナイロンスパンデックス |
ホワイト |
PRICE | (商品価格\7,900) 税込¥8,690 |
The entire Fling line of swimsuits is all about showing off the male form, your penis shape but miniaturized for everyone’s viewing pleasure including your own. Created in white four-way stretch spandex this itineration of the Fling is the smallest yet and for good measure is a tie-side style G-string. The tiny Fling Baby Cock G-string will give you that newborn look, barely a man and not quite a girl. |
koala117HのTバックタイプ。色はスキンです。 少なくともこの惑星や他の惑星に現れた中で、間違いなく最小のバルジ スタイルのポーチです。 |
前 パットに切り込みがあり
STYLE | Skinny Boy Ultra Micro Thong
水着 |
MATERIAL | ナイロンスパンデックス |
スキン |
PRICE | (商品価格\8,800) 税込¥9,680 |
This insanely beautiful design makes almost anyone man look like they have a half inch long micro penis! Yummy! The Skinny Boy suits are not about being skinny but being the smallest pouches known to mankind. They are without question the smallest bulge style pouches ever to appear on this planet or any other, at least as far as we know. At Koalaswim.com we are always working to make pouches smaller and smaller breaking records for micro sized pouches all the time be it bulge style or femme style pouches. The Skinny Boy suits are bulge style pouches, but they are so small no one will believe there could be a penis inside of it and the truth is there is only a very small part of the penis gracing the inside of these micro pouch designs. This design, in fact the entire concept of this style suit came to me in a dream and luckily, I got up that night and jotted it down going to work on it the very next day. My inspiration came from our Gina Girl swimsuit style which is a total feminization type design but the interesting way it worked made me think we could do a masculine style bulge take-off of it. The Gina Girl forces the penis shaft and the testicles inside of the body and displays a beautiful Labia on the outside of the suit that is created using the scrotum, I was looking at a model wearing this and realized there was enough meat even with the shaft and testicles packed inside of the body to cover and make the world’s smallest bulge style design. It is as stunning as it is confusing since anyone looking at you will have no idea how your bulge could be that impossibly tiny and still be showing you are a man to some degree. This model of the Skinny Boy features a standard style thong rear that is at perfect around the pool or at the beach in fact as extreme as this suit is and you can see by the photos it is one of the most extreme styles you or anyone else has ever seen, and that will be the case every time you wear it out but it is right at home anywhere people are wearing thongs. Be ready to amaze everyone with the smallest bulge ever.
スリンキー ガール ソングは、性別を超越したもう一つの傑作です。 |
STYLE | Slinky Girl Thong 水着 |
MATERIAL | ナイロンスパンデックス |
ロイヤル |
PRICE | (商品価格\7,900) 税込¥8,690 |
The Slinky Girl Thong is another gender bending masterpiece. Many of the Koala designs are geared to male transformation and, whether that is a lifestyle choice, you are transgender, or you are experimenting with your femininity; we have you covered in our own special way. The Slinky Girl Thong takes a slight lip look approach, which creates the smoothness of a vagina and the addition of just a hint of camel toe to it. This is not a full look balls split camel toe, but a much more subdued one. Still, it is enough of one that it will get noticed. No guy can pass up a sweet little camel toe and, in fact, the girls always peek, too. In my opinion, this is one of our loveliest feminine designs. It offers a great looking thong rear and creates such an amazing ultra-flat side view all at the same time. |